Minggu, 09 Juni 2013


Distro sudah menjadi sebuah fenomena baru yang hadir khususnya di kota-kota besar di Indonesia. Keberadaan distro menjadi sebuah tren setter untuk menghadirkan gaya busana remaja dan anak muda dengan berbagai macam keunikan dan kelebihannya. Saat ini perkembangan industri fashion berkembang dengan pesat, ditandai dengan berdirinya distro-distro sebagai outlet yang menjual produk fashion yang diproduksi oleh usaha konveksi. Distro merupakan singkatan dari distribution store yang sudah sangat populer di Bandung, Jakarta dan Yogyakarta. saat ini kota Jogja sebagai salah satu kota yang banyak terdapat distro yang menjadi pengikut trend ini. Salah satu keunikan distro yang menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi anak muda mulai dari remaja hingga kalangan dewasa. selain itu keunikan suasana dan lingkungan didalam distro itu juga menjadi faktor pendorong dalam perkembangan distro. Kelebihan lain dari distro adalah keunikan desain dan limited stock dari barang yang ditawarkan sehingga sangat susah mendapatkan satu desain yang sama di satu store. Desain yang unik ini merupakan kontribusi dari desainer-desainer muda yang berbakat yang menjadikan distro sebagai wadah positif dalam penumpahan ide dan emosi yang labil dalam jiwa mereka.

Berikut akan saya jelaskan sedikit pengertian tentang Clothing dan pengertian Distro.

Clothing adalah istilah untuk menyebut perusahaan pembuat T-shirt. Istilah lengkapnya adalah Clothing Company atau perusahaan yang memproduksi pakaian jadi di bawah merek sendiri, clothing merupakan kategori untuk merek yang mengeluarkan produk pakaian jadi. Pakaian jadi ini sebagian besar adalah t-shirt yang kemudian berkembang ke berbagai perlengkapan yang menunjang gaya hidup seperti shirt, longpant, jacket, sweatshirt, bag, slingbag, polo shirt, kanvas bag, beanie, bahkan assesoris seperti gelang dan pin.

Sedangkan distro merupakan singkatan dari distribution store atau distribution outlet yang fungsinya menerima titipan dari berbagai macam merek clothing company lokal yang memproduksi sendiri produknya (t-shirt, tas, dompet, jaket, dan lain-lain) yang belum punya pemasaran sendiri ataupun sekedar untuk memperluas pasar dan meningkatkan penjualan, maka tentunya clothing company sangat berhubungan baik dan saling membutuhkan.
Distro memiliki sifat eksklusif atau cenderung tidak menjual banyak produk untuk setiap desainnya. Beberapa Clothing Company memang membatasi kuantitas produknya dengan hanya satu kali produksi untuk satu desain.
Bisnis dalam bidang clothing atau distro memang tidak akan ada habisnya, selain desain yang selalu mengikuti trend, bahan kaos sebuah distro sangat diutamakan untuk sebuah kualitas yang bagus. Hal ini sangat memicu kenyamanan konsumen terhadap clothing kita, sehingga clothing kita akan semakin dikenal dengan ciri khas mulai dari bahan maupun dari segi desain yang limited atau terbatas.

Konsep sebuah distro kini sangatlah kreatif, dilihat dari arsitektur bangunan sebuah distro, penataan ruangan dengan berbagai assesoris dan menyediakan cafe didalam sebuah distro menjadi daya tarik sendiri untuk memancing konsumen. Selain tata ruangan yang bersih dan nyaman,konsumen akan betah untuk berbelanja karena suasana pelayanan didalam distro juga memiliki suasana akrab sehingga konsumen merasa nyaman untuk mampir dan berbelanja.

Dari pembahasan diatas dapat kita simpulkan bahwa perkembangan usaha dibidang clothing dan distro memang tidak akan ada habisnya, maka dari itu usaha ini sangat cocok digunakan untuk usaha anda. Dilhat dari peluang yang tidak akan ada habisnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan sandang yang akan selalu dibutuhkan mulai dari kalangan muda,remaja dan dewasa. dengan konsep yang unik dan berbeda akan menambah daya tarik tersendiri untuk setiap pengunjung store anda :)

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011


Since the 2nd century and 3rd century BC, in China da Egypt there is music that has a particular shape. By getting the influence of Egyptian and Babylonian, Hebrew music that developed later evolved into Church music. The music was then favored by the public, because of the music players that wander and sing the songs used in church ceremonies. The music was spread across Europe has grown, and instrumental music thrive after some improvements in musical instruments such as violin and cello. Then timbulah Orgel musical instrument. Great composers emerged in Germany, France, Italy, and Russia. In the 19th century, a sense of nationalism began to wake up and grow. Therefore, the development of music split according to nationality respectively, although at the outset both the Romantic style. Start the 20th century, France became a pioneer with impressionistic music that immediately replaced with expressionistic music. 
A. Development of World Music Music has existed since ancient Ages and used as a tool to accompany the ceremonies of the trust. Changes in music history occurred in medieval times, due to changes in state of the world's growing. Music is not only used for religious purposes, but used also un tuk worldly affairs 

 DEVELOPMENT OF WORLD MUSIC divided in SIX DAYS: Medieval 1.Zaman Medieval cultural history is the day between the end of the Roman empire (476 AD) until the Age of Reformation Christianity by Marthen Luther (1572M). Music in the Age of development is caused by the change in state of the world are increasing, which led to new discoveries in all fields, including culture. The change in the history of music is that music tedak again focused on religious interests but also used for worldly affairs, as a means of entertainment. Further development is the improvement of writing music and the basics of music theory developed by Guido d 'Arezzo (1050 AD) Music by using some sound developed in Western Europe. Music Greogrian perfected by Pope Gregory. Pioneer Music in the Middle Ages are: 1. Gullanme Dufay from France. 2. Adam de la Halle of Germany. 2. Renaissance Period (1500 - 1600) Age of Renaissance is the period after mid-century, Renaissance Rebirth means high levels of culture that have been lost in the Roman Period. Studied music with a special characteristic, eg romance songs, songs heroism. Instead the music of the Church suffered a setback. In this age of musical instruments Piano and Organ already known, so munculah Instrumental music. In the city of Florence to develop the art of opera.Opera is a play with musical accompaniment oloeh accompanied the singers. Composer-composer on the Age of Renaissance are: 1. Giovanni Gabrieli (1557 - 1612) from Italy. 2. Galilei (1533 - 1591) from Italy. 3. Claudio Monteverdi (1567 - 1643) from Venice. 4. Jean Baptiste Lully (1632 - 1687) from France. 3. Baroque Period and Rokoko Progress on medieval music is marked by the emergence of new musical streams, such as Baroque and Rokoko flow. Both these flows are nearly equal, namely the use of ornamental (Ornaments Music). The difference is that wearing ornamental Baroque music that deserahkan on spontaneous improvisation by the players, while the music is recorded Rokoko all ornamental decoration. 

 Composer-composer on the Age of Baroque and Rokoko: A. Johann Sebastian Bach Born March 21, 1685 in Eisenach Germany, died on July 28, 1750 at Lipzig Germany.Her work is very beautiful and famous: 1. St. Mathew Passion. 2. Mass in b minor. 3. 13 piano concerts with orchestra 4. Brandenburg Concerto 6 units Custom-his composition underlie modern music. Coral Sebastian Bach composed music (music for Preaching Church) and created the instrumental songs. At the end of his life Sebastian Bach became blind and died in Leipzig B. George Frederick Haendel Born in Halle Saxony February 23, 1685 in London, died in London on 14 April 1759.During the little he had to show bekat expertise in playing music. In 1703, he moved to Hamburg to become anggaota Opera Orchestra. In 1712 he again visited England. The result is the famous creations; 1. Messiah, which is the Oratorio (name of a type of music) are well known. 2. Water Music (Water Music). 3. Fire Work Music (Music Firecrackers). Fire Work Water Music and Music is the most famous orchestra. He died in London and was buried in Westminster Abbey. 4. Classical Period 91750 - 1820) 

 Dimukai classical music history in 1750, after the end of Baroque music and Rokoko. Characteristics of Classical Music Period: a. The use of dynamics from Hard to Soft, Crassendo and Decrasscendo. b. Change the tempo with accelerandos (the Fast) and Ritarteando (more gently). c. Use is limited ornamental d. Use of Accodr 3 tone. Download Doc Download Pdf

The Physical Guitar

The guitar is made to be comfortable and amazingly easy to play. It features a lightweight body made from hand-sorted swamp ash, with a rock maple neck and curly maple fingure board. This construction not only makes it refreshingly light (allowing you to play for many hours without even noticing), but it also allows the guitar to achieve exceptional sustain and tonal range. Firebird X is capable of very resonant and acoustic-like voicing.
The guitar is a bit more than six pounds in total weight. Special resonant chambers not only decrease total weight, but also allow acoustic-like tones and increased overall sustain. The guitar is louder than a typical solid body with substantial tone from lowest bass note to highest treble note. To get more depth, we use a heavy bottom gauge of string with E being about "10" and low E about a "52" with a custom gauge insuring even, crisp tones for all six strings.
This guitar is clearly evolved from a Gibson Firebird, evocative of a rich history, but with contemporary features. With its hand-applied and unique high-end wood finish, the Firebird X is not unlike a cross between a vintage sports car and a modern sports racer. It is beautiful, historical and yet contemporary and unique. With a limited run of just 1,800 units, it is sure to become a collector classic.
Scarfs and large radius corners are everywhere the arm and body come into contact. It is smooth and comfortable, even when you are playing for hours. It's almost not there.
The balance point for the upper bout and the lower curve for placement on the leg are exceptionally balanced and comfortable. This is a guitar you can play for hours without soreness or fatigue.
We have developed a patent-pending strap that attaches at the upper bout with a single strap lock that comes with the guitar. That strap is much more comfortable, evenly distributing the lightweight beast and allowing complete freedom of motion. A simple adjustment allows you to adjust the hanging height on the fly. Both strap buttons are available if you desire a more traditional hang.
The look builds on the Firebird's and Gibson's history. The wood grain is accentuated, so it "pops" with staining technique.
The fingerboard has character with a slightly burnt maple look. The neck inlays are tilted parallelograms, with a very dark wood. The headstock has a classic Gibson dove wing shape, which is bound, and a Firebird-style truss rod cover.
The look has a very classic fine furniture look with marquetry, elegant curves and smooth rounds. It is very appealing to a guitar player and non-guitar player alike.
The neck is thin, fast, and asymmetrical with a smooth, non-stick satin finish. A volute at the nut allows the hand to quickly find the first position and improves total sustain and strength. The neck joint is smoothly blended from neck to body with just a slight roundness, allowing maximum access to high register strings. The lower cut away cuts deeper, affording exceptional access to the high register.
The fingerboard has low-profile, fretless wonder frets and a highly polished curly maple surface.
This allows fretting to have almost no impact on pitch (higher frets cause a slight pitch change when the finger depresses the string). Finally, the fretboard is extended to 23 frets, allowing the player to achieve a full, two-octave range with a bend.
The maple neck is hand-sorted and is exceptionally stable, allowing previously unachievable tolerances on our factory set up and maintaining this great set up over time.
The Firebird X product uses three mini-humbuckers and a vastly improved hexaphonic piezo bridge pickup with an improved low noise, high dynamic-range preamplifier, making this a fully active guitar. The pickups are based on traditional Firebird designs, but have been significantly improved to provide more tonal range and to match the studio-grade preamplifier section. The result is that the signal dynamic analog dynamic range exceeds the specification of the high-end electronics — 110 dB.
Each coil of the electro-magnetic pickup is individually controlled, allowing each coil to be on, off, or on-reverse polarity. The guitar's presets use the best combinations to recreate the world's best tones and some great new tones. New combinations can be made using the Firebird X editor, giving you an unlimited sonic palette.
  • 4 lead wire standard color code

  • Mini-humbucker side-by-side coils

  • Ceramic blade magnets

  • Solid chrome cover

  • Metalize plastic trim ring

  • Well-shielded and adjustable for max S/N

  • With 3 pickups, 6 coils

  • Can be used in any combination

  • Humbucking/noise canceling single coil modes

  • Lower turns from 8400 (standard Firebird) to 4200 (lower weight and lower noise pickup)

The piezo pickup has a new, sweet acoustic-like tone, allowing the guitar to replicate a true acoustic instrument.
All controls on the guitar feel like they come from very high-end professional equipment. The pots are silky smooth with just the right amount of friction. All switches feel crisp and final — no wobble. The surfaces are knurled or textured to allow use with sweaty hands.
This guitar continues on a tradition of having electronic tuners, and a fourth generation of supporting hardware and software. What this means is that the guitar can change tuners even more quickly and accurately, with an even simpler way to get to multiple tunings.
The tuners can be used manually and have been enhanced to be more robust with a better feel when used manually.

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