Rabu, 30 Maret 2011


Death metal is a sub-genre of heavy metal music that evolved from thrash metal in the early 1980's. Some of his trademark song is the theme of violence or death, low-rhythm guitar (downtuned rhythm guitars), fast percussion, and dynamic intensity. Vocals are usually sung with a grunt (death Grunt) or growling (death growl). Singing technique like this is also often called "Cookie Monster vocals".
Some of the pioneers of this genre is Venom with his album Welcome to Hell (1981) and Death with his album Scream Bloody Gore (1987). Death metal is then developed further by bands such as Carcass, Morbid Angel, Entombed, God Macabre, Carnage, and Grave.
In Indonesia, this genre begins its movement and development in the 1990's with Rotor thrash metal band in Jakarta and some other death metal bands pioneer in other areas, such as the adapter from Jakarta, Insanity and Hallucination from Bandung, Death Vomit from Jogjakarta, Slow Death of Surabaya, then developed with dangerous bands of international repute, body, Disinfected, and Ancur from Bandung, Torture in Bury, Funeral Inception of cranial Incisored from Jakarta and Jogjakarta


Some death metal subgenre:
* Melodic death metal - heavy metal mixed with some death metal elements, such as death growl and blastbeat* Progressive death metal - a mix between death metal and progressive death metal metalBrutal - a mix of grindcore and death metal* Slam death metal - a mix between metalcore / groove metal and death metal* Death / Doom - a mix between doom metal and death metal* Blackened death metal - a mix of black metal and death metal

Key features are the rapid changes, sometimes chaotic song structures, beat the odd, unusual rhythm and harmony and melody out of the ordinary. Band of technical / progressive death metal in general Aesthetics combines death metal with elements of progressive rock, jazz / classical music.
The late 1980s and early 1990s death metal gain more media attention when the leading record labels such as "Earache records" and "Roadrunner record" started to mark the death metal bands at a rapid rate of growth.Since then the death metal experience the diversity of music and gave birth to the concept of a rich variety of subgenres.Death metal had undergone considerable opposition and had been considered from the culture trend. due largely due to the theme / lyrics that are less attractive. and is specifically seen as a form of music "underground". due to not following the trend that more widespread in terms of aggressiveness and death metal musicians prefer not to be so ignored. This however gave way at once to the place where like South America, and even the Indian east in the form of thrash / black / death metal.

• 1 Historical development of music METAL

2 Evolution of music
2.1 70'ano
2.2 Early 80'an 
2.2.1 Underground Metal: 1980, 1990, and 2000's Thrash metal and Speed ​​metal
1.2 Death metal
1.3 Black metal
1.4 Power metal.
1.5 Doom Metal and Gothic metalo 2.3
2.3.1 Alternative metal
2.4 Grunge
3 Recent developmentso
3.1 Folk Metalo
3.2 Melodic Death Metalo
3.3 deathcoreo
3.4 New Wave of American Heavy Metalo
3.5 Mathcore

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